Chances are, you've landed here because you believe deeply in the power of coaching.
Maybe you've been a coach for years... or maybe you're drawn to a career pivot... or maybe, you see the huge benefit to building the skillset of coaching.
You desire to be truly exceptional at your coaching craft, and help clients make long term, life changing transformations.
You want to build a stellar reputation and have your clients singing your praises from the rooftops.
You're ready to be paid incredibly well for deeply satisfying work.
If that's you,
Welcome to The Midas Academy,
We're about to make you exceptional.
The coaching industry has exploded, and is growing at an unprecedented rate.
It's now a multi-billion dollar a year industry, with clients seeking coaching for their health, wealth, relationships, leadership, businesses, name it.
The opportunity for transformation and ripple effects is huge.
The one problem?
The standard for coaching education, training and development is shockingly low.
We're barely scratching the surface of the impact we could be making.
And The Midas Academy is here to change that.
Our Mission
We believe that exceptional coaching has the power to change the world.
From high performing team, to well-functioning families, from building generational wealth, to helping teachers build safe classrooms,
the potential of coaching is astronomical.
The only problem? Exceptional coaches are few and far between. The lack of quality education coupled with low standards across the industry has left many clients feeling burned.
The opportunity? Exceptional coaches have space now to stand out, rise to the top, and lead a new change in our industry.
A change that's long overdue.
At The Midas Academy, our mission is to equip early stage and experienced coaches with the knowledge, training & mentorship to help them become truly exceptional.
Our Mission
We believe that exceptional coaching has the power to change the world.
From high performing team, to well-functioning families, from building generational wealth to helping teachers build safe classrooms, the potential of coaching is astronomical.
The only problem? Exceptional coaches are few and far between. The lack of quality education coupled with low standards across the industry has left many clients feeling burned.
The opportunity? Exceptional coaches have space now to stand out, rise to the top, and lead a new change in our industry.
A change that's long overdue.
At The Midas Academy, our mission is to equip early stage and experienced coaches with the knowledge, training & mentorship to help them become truly exceptional.
INSTANT ACCESS: The Exceptional Coach Toolkit
Get the evidence-based pillars and frameworks you need to be focusing on to ensure you’re expanding into an exceptional coach, and your clients are getting the best out of you!
INSTANT ACCESS: The Exceptional Coach Toolkit
Get the evidence-based pillars and frameworks you need to be focusing on to ensure you’re expanding into an exceptional coach, and your clients are getting the best out of you!
Maybe it's time I properly introduced myself...
Hi, I'm Carly!
I'm an ex-therapist turned Coach, Creator of The Midas Coach (and The Fulfillionaires), proud Swiftie, and dog lover.
I started my career determined to become a psychologist, but after 7 years of burnout and disillusionment with the system, I pivoted to become a coach.
I wanted to make a difference to people's lives, but I was done sacrificing myself and my freedom to do it.
I came home one night and announced to my husband that I was becoming a coach and starting my own business.
Over the last 7 years, I've had the immense pleasure of coaching some incredible humans and their missions over the years.
I've built a reputation amongst my clients, and now, the wider coaching community.
I'm a fierce advocate for high quality, evidence-based psychology-grounded coaching.
So when my clients kept asking me "Carly, will you please teach us how you coach?" I knew that I had to leave a bigger legacy.
For this reason, I founded The Midas Coach.
We're building an army of coaches who care so deeply about our craft, our industry, and of course, our clients.
If it's time for you to join us, we would love to have you.
All my love,
Carly xx
Become Exceptional With Us
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